ABMCeducation.org is live!

Washington D.C. – National History Day (NHD), the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC), and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University are launching a new, free digital resource today in honor of Veterans Day: ABMCeducation.org. This website includes 21 lesson plans created by American teachers who took the trip of a lifetime this summer to discover the stories of World War II fallen heroes buried and memorialized overseas as part of the Understanding Sacrifice education program.

Help spread the word by sharing this video on social media with the hashtag #TeachABMC.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sjh6sU-R25E] Participating teachers designed lesson plans specific to their teaching discipline. These lesson plans are hosted at ABMCeducation.org and are designed to increase students’ understanding of sacrifices made in WWII.  Designed for middle school and high school classrooms, the lesson plans are multi-disciplinary and can be applied in history, as well as art, math, science and English classrooms.  Through the use of primary and secondary sources, videos, and hands-on activities, students are transported to the war front and home front. From role-playing difficult family decisions at home to designing new war memorials and exploring military tactics utilized in France, students will walk away with a vivid understanding of the high cost paid by all Americans during this war.

Discover history through the stories of fallen heroes!

National History Day | (301) 314-9739 | info@nhd.org | NHD.org

Note: One of the program’s participating teachers, Mr. Pren Woods, of Alston Middle School, Summerville, South Carolina, researched Richard Paul Padgett, Class of 1944, one of the 22 Fallen Heroes whose story is told on this new ABMCeducation.org site. If you are a history teacher covering WWII, this is a must-see (and use) website. Please check this out and spread the word. /RL